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Logo Termo Pic



TermoPic  is an immersion electronic thermostat  using two probes and six different operating programs, is the ideal solution to control a biomass boiler (PELLET).



Report of the consumption detected, the thermostat is running from November 2012 (the last three columns).

Boiler Working hours, ignitions, pellet consumption, cost

COSTO/Anno € 874 *
1087   772 686 711
POWER hours 2010/11 hours 2011/12   hours 2012/13 hours 2013/14 hours 2014/15
1 Min 157 193   519 318 322
2 983 1406   900 947 1080
3 387 486   107 135 126
4 59 102   52 62 61
5 Max 62 94   32 39 34
ORE TOTALI 1648 2281   1610 1501 1623
Accensioni 411 566   310 315 270
Sacchi PELLET(15 Kg) 230 286   203 189 196
* Consumption of the first winter is lower because the boiler remained off the months of December and
January to consume the remaining fuel from the previous year.

As you can see from the table, boiler hours have dropped drastically.

The ignition, which is the phase with the greatest consumption of PELLET and electricity, have gone from over 500 to just near 300; All this results in energy and economic savings as you can see in the last two rows of the table.

termoPic Scheda












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